Economic Benefits Due to Reduction in HABs

The International Joint Commission (IJC) sponsored this study to better understand the socioeconomic and policy implications of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in western Lake
Erie. This study is the second phase of an IJC funded study (Weicksel and Lupi, 2013) and
further examines the implications of extensive HAB events like the ones that occurred in 2011 and 2014. The previous study identified many important issues, and quantified some ‐ but not all ‐ of the socioeconomic implications of western Lake Erie HABs.

This project extends that Phase 1 study by further evaluating HAB effects to regional economic welfare including effects to recreation, water withdrawals, tourism, and
property values. Results of the Phase I study indicated that western Lake Erie HABs can affect inter‐related economic systems over a broad, geographic area, and that little information has been collected to specifically support economic benefit studies.