Working Papers

Bingham, M.F., and J.C. Kinnell, 2024. “Evaluating the Relationship between Residential Property Values and Groundwater Quality.” Working Paper No. 2024-05.

Bingham, M.F., S.G. Veale, Z. Li, G.S. Crownfield, D.M. Woodard, and J.C. Kinnell, 2014. “Integrating Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Improve the Estimation of Baseline Risk Fish Ingestion.” Working Paper No. 2014-03.

Kinnell, J.C., and M.F. Bingham, 2014. “Developing Baseline Risk Fish Ingestion Estimates for Baseline Human Health Risk Assessments.” Working Paper No. 2014-02.

Veritas Economic Consulting, 2012. “The Role of Knowledge in Assessing Nonuse Values for Site-Specific 316(b) Determination: Results and Implications from the National Environmental Impacts Awareness Survey.” Working Paper 2012-01. Cary, NC: Veritas Economic Consulting, LLC.

Veritas Economic Consulting, 2011. “Veritas Economics Environmental Policy Simulation Model (EPSM).” Working Paper 2011-01. Cary, NC: Veritas Economic Consulting, LLC.

Bingham, M.F., K.E. Mathews, J.C. Kinnell, and A.R. Morton., 2006
“What Is Significantly Greater? Properties of Benefit-Cost Comparisons under Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act.” Working Paper No. 2006-01. Cary, NC: Veritas Economic Consulting, LLC.

Whaley, J.S., M.F. Bingham, J.C. Kinnell, and R.W. Blye., 2006
“Estimating Annual Impingement and Entrainment from Sample Counts.” Veritas Working Paper No. 2006-03. Cary, NC: Veritas Economic Consulting, LLC.

Mathews, K.E., and W.H. Desvousges., 2003
“The Truth, the Partial Truth, or Anything But the Truth: Survey Reliability and Property Valuation.” Paper presented at the Symposium on Environmental & Property Damages: Standards, Due Diligence, Valuation & Strategy, Toronto, Ontario. April 4–6.